* RecipeFinder [#c127fcdc]

Movie: http://vilab.org/archive/recipe-image/demo.html


** Abstract [#tb866ac6]

This paper proposes a new interactive technique for keyword-based
cooking recipe search. The technique allows users to input not only
names of ingredients but rough priorities (degrees of importance) of
the corresponding ingredients by moving slider bars, like the Dynamic
Queries. Thus, users can narrow down the candidates more dynamically
and interactively. In addition, for users to browse many recipes
interactively, the system shows the overview of the search results in
a focus+context visualization. The recipes are grouped by dish types,
and their photographs, whose sizes are determined by matching degrees,
are visually arranged in a plane.

** 概要 [#n0b8fa03]


本論文では,食材による料理レシピ検索において,ユーザが食材の名称だけでなく,それらのおおよその優先度(重要度)を入力し,動的に調整できるようにする手法を提案する.これはDynamic Queriesと呼ばれる検索インタフェースをキーワード検索に応用した


** Publications [#d10af1b0]

- H. Shiozawa:
Visual Search Interface for Cooking Recipes with the Priorities of Ingredients,
IEICE Transactions A, Vol. J94-A, No.7, pp. 458-466, Jul. 2011.

- H. Shiozawa: 
Interactive Querying Interface Using Keywords and Their Priorities,
Proc. IPSJ Interaction 2008 (Interactive Session), pp.53-54,
Mar. 2008.

- H. Shiozawa:
Interactive Cooking Recipe Search by Keywords and Their Priorities,
Proc. JSSST WISS 2007 (Demo Session),
pp.169-170, Dec. 2007.

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